April 12, 2011

Apache Axis 1.4 - Hello World Example JWS web service

1) Download the following resources:
Apache Axis Jar Files - Click here
WebContent Files - Click here
Resources Files - Click here

2) Unzip the Axis_jars.zip file and copy the Axis jars to the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder of the Web Application.
Unzip the web_content_files.zip file and copy the contents to the WebContent folder of the Web Application.
In the src folder create a new package named 'resources'. Unzip the resources_files.zip file and copy the contents to the src folder within the package 'resources'.

3) Add the following configuration to the WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml file of the Web Application










4) Test the Axis setup by typing the following URL in the browser:


5) To deploy a JWS Web Service, create a file, HelloWorld.jws, in the WebContent folder of the web application with the following code

public class HelloWorld { 
  public String sayHello() { 
     return "Hello World"; 

6) Deploy the Web Application and access the following URL in the browser:


To access the WSDL for the web service, type the following URL in the browser:


Resolution to the Error:

java.lang.RuntimeException: No compiler found in your classpath! (you may need to add 'tools.jar')

Copy the tools.jar file from the JDK/lib folder into the %JBOSS HOME%\server\default\lib folder.

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